Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Why I rock and my life is better than yours?
Here are the rules:
1) Each month I check off something on my list.
2) Once it is on the list, it must be completed to be checked off.
3) List item must be documented.
4) No item may be removed.
5) This list is meant for me only. It is not necessarily meant to benefit anyone else unless specifically stated in the list item (ex: Serve Thanksgiving dinner at a shelter, volunteer, etc). That being said I don't keep a "fuck" list so don't ask.
6) I set the rules. I don't let other people affect the list or my emotions in regards to the list. It makes me damn happy so don't hate!
So for instance one month I taught myself how to drive a motorboat. I went out on Redfish Lake alone. This is a huge feat for me and seeing as it was horrifyingly windy that day I feel it was a huge accomplishment. Oh and Oshi went too.
Sometimes they are simple tasks like go to the History Museum. By the way it is totally boring to go to the History Museum and take pictures of yourself. So task guests are always invited. And thanks to all who have participated with me (Laura, Sophie, Oshi, Family!!!). PS I had to stack like 20 kids blocks up and set an auto timer to get this gem.
Actually many thanks to Laura. January last year I decided I wanted to learn how to shoot a gun. I no longer want to learn how to shoot a gun. The list item started out positive...
Anyways I just wanted to share. In my next post I catch you up on this year now that you understand it all.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Story Time
So I let out a stream of obscenities "Christmas Story" style. And it is on...we are eyeing each other figuring out our best first moves when my lovely friend pulls me off the dance floor and out of a perfectly good fight. Not to lose my one chance for a fight since 7th grade I turn around and see that she was dancing with one of my guy friends and elbowing people with her huge amazon arms. So I went up to him and said "Ew Andrew I hear she has something. This one's a no go." Andrew immediately steps away. Amazon glares at me and I say, "This is my town b$%#@. I'll say who you can dance with. Nobody puts baby in the corner." Now is a great time to mention that that's the coolest thing I've ever said and that I'm drunk. Amazon is getting really angry but once again my friend pulls me away from the fight. I head off to the bathroom to cool down and who do I run into along the way. The Amazon and we have an all out brawl. After giving her a black eye, she punches me in the nose, security is called and she is kicked out. I'm declared awesome and people lift me on their shoulders because I have rid them of an awful dancer!!!
Well I wish that had happened. What actually happened?.....I ran into her at the bathroom, there was some more trash talking and when I turned around to leave I walked into a door which gave me a bloody nose and a nice little bruise. Which in the end is pretty much what I deserved.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I'm weird today
Apparently all it takes to make my sister laugh is me with a bra on my head buzzing like a bee. One of my favorite things in the whole world is my sister's laugh.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
#7 Dating?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
#6 The Awkward Dance!v=E-01F_A1Djg
And if that link doesn't work just search "pacsun awkward dance" on
Also Ukiah Bogle is part of this kick ass band from Boise, Idaho called We Won the Science Fair. You all should check them out, add them on myspace, buy their sweet t-shirts, and just plain support a good local band.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
#5 - The Fruit Loops Shoot
The amazing Laura Haro took pictures for me as a Christmas present.
See we started selling this Unit shirt in PacSun that I thought was stupid (some naked girl in a bowl of cereal) and I told my manager that if we carried that shit (I mean shirt) then I should be able to wear one with my picture on it. Well she didn't think I would do I did. What follows are just a couple pictures from the shoot. I am wearing a bathing suit. Enjoy!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
#4 - The Snuggie Experiment
So my mom got him and me snuggies for Christmas.
For the superhero the snuggie creates a warm cape to comfort you on those cold winter night flights.
Tarzan meet your cousin Janet. Careful your boob doesn't pop out Janet.
Snuggie helps you pull off the 20s film star look in a snitch.
Snuggie can even help you gain inches.
Look how tall the snuggie can make you.
But careful because the snuggie doesn't just make you gain inches in height but you'll watch your waist line change too. Here we see the effects of all day snuggie usage.
Well that's all for now. I'm sure there will be more to come. Also keep your eyes peeled for my blog on shake weighting around Boise. You can work out those HJ muscles all over the treasure valley.